Bài này cũng khá lâu rồi, hôm trước có bạn muốn xem lại nên mình post lại vào đây.
this vm needs a license to run. We don’t have the license!
The executable file is a simple vm engine.
vm-2fbed3f5a894d56be6b2ba328f9e2411: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, stripped
The program copies the encrypted vm code to local buffer in main() function and passes the pointer to this buffer to vm Engine.
push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 3B0h ; lea rsi, vm_code ; vm_code_buffer mov rdx, 390h ; vm_code_size lea rax, [rbp+dest] ; mov [rbp+var_4], 0 mov [rbp+var_C], 0 mov rdi, rax ; call _memcpy ; lea rdi, [rbp+dest] ; call ExecuteVm ; mov [rbp+var_3A4], eax cmp [rbp+var_3A4], -1 ; Exit jnz loc_401671 ; lea rdi, format ; 'Error!',0Ah,0 mov al, 0 call _printf ; mov [rbp+var_3A8], eax loc_401671: ; mov eax, [rbp+var_4] add rsp, 3B0h ; pop rbp retn ;
vm engine
Vm engine is a stack based machine. At the beginning (0x00400D7F) of ExecuteVm() function, the program initializes vm stack pointer(stack_pointer), vm instruction pointer(vm_ip), flag and key to decrypt.
mov [rbp+stack_pointer], -1 mov [rbp+vm_ip], 0 mov [rbp+var_23], 0 mov rdi, ds:qword_401890 mov [rbp+key], rdi mov rdi, ds:qword_401898 mov [rbp+var_148], rdi mov al, ds:byte_4018A0 mov [rbp+var_140], al mov ecx, ds:g_VM_flag and ecx, not 1 ; mov ds:g_VM_flag, ecx mov ecx, ds:g_VM_flag and ecx, not 2 ; mov ds:g_VM_flag, ecx
fetch() function (0x400AD0) is used to read one byte from vm_buffer and decode it. Decoded value is used to identify instruction.
fetch proc near ; instruction_value= byte ptr -0Dh vm_ip = dword ptr -0Ch ins_buffer= qword ptr -8 mov [rsp+ins_buffer], rdi mov [rsp+vm_ip], esi mov [rsp+instruction_value], 0 cmp [rsp+vm_ip], 0 ; Compare Two Operands jle loc_400B06 ; Jump if Less or Equal (ZF=1 | SF!=OF) mov eax, [rsp+vm_ip] sub eax, 1 ; Integer Subtraction movsxd rcx, eax ; Move with Sign-Extend Doubleword mov rdx, [rsp+ins_buffer] mov sil, [rdx+rcx] mov [rsp+instruction_value], sil loc_400B06: mov rax, [rsp+ins_buffer] movsxd rcx, [rsp+vm_ip] ; Move with Sign-Extend Doubleword mov dl, [rax+rcx] mov sil, [rsp+instruction_value] imul rax, rcx, 2E8BA2E9h ; Signed Multiply mov rdi, rax shr rdi, 3Fh ; '?' ; Shift Logical Right mov r8d, edi sar rax, 21h ; '!' ; Shift Arithmetic Right mov r9d, eax add r9d, r8d ; = ecx / 11 imul r8d, r9d, 11 ; Signed Multiply mov r9d, ecx sub r9d, r8d ; = ecx % 11 xor dl, sil ; movsx r8d, dl ; xor r8d, r9d ; mov dl, r8b mov [rsp+instruction_value], dl movsx eax, [rsp+instruction_value] ; retn ; fetch endp
This function has 2 parameters :
int fetch(char *vm_ins_buffer, int vm_ip); { if (vm_ip == 0) return vm_ins_buffer[vm_ip]; else return vm_ins_buffer[vm_ip] ^ vm_ins_buffer[vm_ip-1] ^ (vm_ip % 11); }
Notice that this vm engine has an instruction to decrypt vm code by itself (opcode=0x44), (address = 0x0400E96)
jmp $+5 ; Jump mov eax, [rbp+var_158] sub eax, 44h ; 'D' ; Integer Subtraction mov [rbp+var_174], eax jz DecryptCode ; Jump if Zero (ZF=1) jmp Invalid ; Jump DecryptCode: ; lea rdi, [rbp+key] ; key mov eax, [rbp+vm_ip] add eax, 1 ; Add mov [rbp+vm_ip], eax mov rsi, [rbp+vm_ins_buffer] mov edx, [rbp+vm_ip] call DecryptMainVmCode ; Get size and decrypt buffer mov eax, [rbp+vm_ip] add eax, 3 ; Add mov [rbp+vm_ip], eax jmp end_instruction ; Jump
Following this instruction, I look at the main decrypt stub:
- Algorithm is aes_128_ofb.
- Read 4 bytes which follow opcode. These bytes are the size of encrypted code.
- The default key to decrypt is {0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F}. This key is changed after reading each character in license.drm.
- The initialization vector is {0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F}
- Patch vm code after decrypting.
- The length of this instruction is 5 bytes.
Read license file
getc() instruction (0x000401046)
VM_GetChar proc near ; mov rdi, [rbp-18h] ; call _fgetc ; mov cl, al mov [rbp-21h], cl movsx eax, byte ptr [rbp-21h] ; cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; jnz loc_40106F ; mov dword ptr [rbp-4], 1 jmp loc_4015ED ; Jump ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loc_40106F: ; mov al, [rbp-21h] movsx rcx, byte ptr [rbp-23h] ; mov [rbp+rcx-150h], al ; move the new byte to the ending of key buffer mov al, [rbp-23h] add al, 1 ; Add mov [rbp-23h], al mov edx, [rbp-1Ch] add edx, 1 ; Add mov [rbp-1Ch], edx mov al, [rbp-21h] movsxd rcx, dword ptr [rbp-1Ch] ; mov [rbp+rcx-130h], al ; put the read byte on the top of stack jmp end_instruction ; VM_GetChar endp
This function reads one byte from license file, appends to key buffer and pushes it into stack.
Because code is encrypted by input characters, you must find the right characters before continuing to disassemble.
VM instruction table (address = 0x0401710)
.rodata:0000000000401710 vm_ins dq offset VM_Nop ; .rodata:0000000000401718 dq offset VM_OpenFile .rodata:0000000000401720 dq offset VM_push .rodata:0000000000401728 dq offset VM_pop .rodata:0000000000401730 dq offset VM_Reset .rodata:0000000000401738 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401740 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401748 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401750 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401758 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401760 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401768 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401770 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401778 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401780 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401788 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401790 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401798 dq offset VM_Exit .rodata:00000000004017A0 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017A8 dq offset VM_swap_nibbles_and_xchg .rodata:00000000004017B0 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017B8 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017C0 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017C8 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017D0 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017D8 dq offset VM_GetChar .rodata:00000000004017E0 dq offset Invalid .rodata:00000000004017E8 dq offset VM_not .rodata:00000000004017F0 dq offset VM_jmp .rodata:00000000004017F8 dq offset VM_je .rodata:0000000000401800 dq offset VM_jne .rodata:0000000000401808 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401810 dq offset VM_zero .rodata:0000000000401818 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401820 dq offset VM_putchar .rodata:0000000000401828 dq offset VM_swap_nibbles .rodata:0000000000401830 dq offset VM_obfucate .rodata:0000000000401838 dq offset VM_xchg .rodata:0000000000401840 dq offset VM_xor_curr_pos_with_2_pow_byte .rodata:0000000000401848 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401850 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401858 dq offset Invalid .rodata:0000000000401860 dq offset VM_xor
unsigned char VM_obfucate( unsigned char c) { char a = 0; a |= ((((c &0xFF)& 1) << 7) & 0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 0x10) >> 1) & 0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 0x8) << 1)&0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 0x40) >> 5) & 0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 4) << 3)&0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 0x80) >> 7)&0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 0x2) << 5) & 0xFF); a |= ((((c &0xFF) & 0x20) >> 3) & 0xFF); return a; }
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: RE300: VM disassembler # Purpose: Boston Key Party CTF 2014 writeup # # Author: Peter from piggybird.net # Created: 01/03/2014 # Copyright: (c) PiggyBird CTF Team 2014 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import struct def VM_Nop(vm_buf, ip): print "nop" return 1 def VM_OpenFile(vm_buf, ip): print "open_file" return 1 def VM_push(vm_buf, ip): print "push ", "0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex') return 2 def VM_pop(vm_buf, ip): print "pop" return 1 def VM_Reset(vm_buf, ip): print "reset" return 1 def VM_Invalid(vm_buf, ip): print "Error!" return 1 def VM_Exit(vm_buf, ip): print "Exit" return 1 def VM_swap_nibbles_and_xchg(vm_buf, ip): print "swap_nibbles_and_xchg [top], [top-0x" +vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex')+ "]" return 2 def VM_GetChar(vm_buf, ip): print "getc()" return 1 def VM_not(vm_buf, ip): print "not" return 1 def VM_jmp(vm_buf, ip): print "jmp ", hex(ip + 2 + ord(vm_buf[ip+1])) return 2 def VM_je(vm_buf, ip): print "je ", hex(ip + 2 + ord(vm_buf[ip+1])) return 2 def VM_jne(vm_buf, ip): print "jne ", hex(ip + 2 + ord(vm_buf[ip+1])) return 2 def VM_zero(vm_buf, ip): print "push 0x00" return 1 def VM_putchar(vm_buf, ip): print "putchar()" return 1 def VM_swap_nibbles(vm_buf, ip): print "swap nibbles" return 1 def VM_obfucate(vm_buf, ip): print "obfucate" return 1 def VM_xchg(vm_buf, ip): print "xchg [top], [top - 0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex')+"]" return 2 def VM_xor_curr_pos_with_2_pow_byte(vm_buf, ip): print "xor ", "pow(2, 0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex')+")" return 2 def VM_xor(vm_buf, ip): print "xor ", "0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex') return 2 def VM_add(vm_buf, ip): print "add ", "0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex') return 2 def VM_sub(vm_buf, ip): print "sub ", "0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex') return 2 def VM_cmp(vm_buf, ip): print "cmp ", "0x"+vm_buf[ip+1].encode('hex') return 2 def VM_decrypt(vm_buf, ip): buf_size = struct.unpack("<I", vm_buf[ip+1:ip+5])[0] print "decrypt: address="+ hex(ip+5) + ", size=" + hex(buf_size) return 5 opcodes = {0 : VM_Nop, 1 : VM_OpenFile, 2 : VM_push, 3 : VM_pop, 4 : VM_Reset, 5 : VM_Invalid, 6 : VM_Invalid, 7 : VM_Invalid, 8 : VM_Invalid, 9 : VM_Invalid, 10 : VM_Invalid, 11 : VM_Invalid, 12 : VM_Invalid, 13 : VM_Invalid, 14 : VM_Invalid, 15 : VM_Invalid, 16 : VM_Invalid, 17 : VM_Exit, 18 : VM_Invalid, 19 : VM_swap_nibbles_and_xchg, 20 : VM_Invalid, 21 : VM_Invalid, 22 : VM_Invalid, 23 : VM_Invalid, 24 : VM_Invalid, 25 : VM_GetChar, 26 : VM_Invalid, 27 : VM_not, 28 : VM_jmp, 29 : VM_je, 30 : VM_jne, 31 : VM_Invalid, 32 : VM_zero, 33 : VM_Invalid, 34 : VM_putchar, 35 : VM_swap_nibbles, 36 : VM_obfucate, 37 : VM_xchg, 38 : VM_xor_curr_pos_with_2_pow_byte, 39 : VM_Invalid, 40 : VM_Invalid, 41 : VM_Invalid, 42 : VM_xor, } def disassembler(vm_buf): ''' disassembler ''' print "vm code size = "+hex(len(vm_buf))+" bytes." print "Addr \tCommand" print "-----\t-------" #i = 0x1F # get bytes and check i = 0x0 while 1: if i > len(vm_buf) - 1: break print hex(i), "\t", # address op = ord(vm_buf[i]) if op == 0x44: i += VM_decrypt(vm_buf, i) continue if op == 0x2b: i += VM_add(vm_buf, i) continue if op == 0x2d: i += VM_sub(vm_buf, i) continue if op == 0x3d: i += VM_cmp(vm_buf, i) continue else: if (op < 0x4E) or ((op - 0x4e) > len(opcodes)): print "Oops! Invalid Opcode, value="+vm_buf[i].encode('hex') i += 1 continue i += opcodes[op - 0x4e](vm_buf, i) continue def main(): encoded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decode VM code from memory encoded = encoded.decode('hex') decoded='' i = 0 for c in encoded : if i == 0: decoded += c else: decoded += chr(ord(encoded[i - 1]) ^ ord(c) ^((i % 11) & 0xFF)) i = i + 1 disassembler(decoded) pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()
vm code size = 0x38f bytes. Addr Command ----- ------- 0x0 push 0x6c 0x2 push 0x69 0x4 push 0x63 0x6 push 0x65 0x8 push 0x6e 0xa push 0x73 0xc push 0x65 0xe push 0x2e 0x10 push 0x64 0x12 push 0x72 0x14 push 0x6d 0x16 push 0x00 0x17 push 0x0c 0x19 open_file 0x1a decrypt: address=0x1f, size=0x371 0x1f getc() 0x20 xor 0xaa 0x22 getc() 0x23 xor 0xbb 0x25 getc() 0x26 xor 0xcc 0x28 xchg [top], [top - 0x01] 0x2a getc() 0x2b xor 0xdd 0x2d xchg [top], [top - 0x03] 0x2f cmp 0xf5 0x31 jne 0x3e 0x33 cmp 0x9c 0x35 jne 0x3f 0x37 cmp 0x47 0x39 jne 0x3f 0x3b cmp 0x01 0x3d je 0x52 0x3f push 0x0a 0x41 push 0x21 0x43 push 0x65 0x45 push 0x70 0x47 push 0x6f 0x49 push 0x4e 0x4b putchar() 0x4c putchar() 0x4d putchar() 0x4e putchar() 0x4f putchar() 0x50 putchar() 0x51 Exit 0x52 push 0x0a 0x54 push 0x3f 0x56 push 0x74 0x58 push 0x69 0x5a push 0x20 0x5c push 0x74 0x5e push 0x27 0x60 push 0x6e 0x62 push 0x73 0x64 push 0x61 0x66 push 0x77 0x68 push 0x20 0x6a push 0x2c 0x6c push 0x79 0x6e push 0x73 0x70 push 0x61 0x72 push 0x65 0x74 push 0x20 0x76 push 0x73 0x78 push 0x61 0x7a push 0x77 0x7c push 0x20 0x7e push 0x74 0x80 push 0x61 0x82 push 0x68 0x84 push 0x54 0x86 push 0x20 0x88 push 0x21 0x8a push 0x65 0x8c push 0x74 0x8e push 0x65 0x90 push 0x6c 0x92 push 0x70 0x94 push 0x6d 0x96 push 0x6f 0x98 push 0x63 0x9a push 0x20 0x9c push 0x31 0x9e push 0x20 0xa0 push 0x65 0xa2 push 0x67 0xa4 push 0x61 0xa6 push 0x74 0xa8 push 0x53 0xaa putchar() 0xab putchar() 0xac putchar() 0xad putchar() 0xae putchar() 0xaf putchar() 0xb0 putchar() 0xb1 putchar() 0xb2 putchar() 0xb3 putchar() 0xb4 putchar() 0xb5 putchar() 0xb6 putchar() 0xb7 putchar() 0xb8 putchar() 0xb9 putchar() 0xba putchar() 0xbb putchar() 0xbc putchar() 0xbd putchar() 0xbe putchar() 0xbf putchar() 0xc0 putchar() 0xc1 putchar() 0xc2 putchar() 0xc3 putchar() 0xc4 putchar() 0xc5 putchar() 0xc6 putchar() 0xc7 putchar() 0xc8 putchar() 0xc9 putchar() 0xca putchar() 0xcb putchar() 0xcc putchar() 0xcd putchar() 0xce putchar() 0xcf putchar() 0xd0 putchar() 0xd1 putchar() 0xd2 putchar() 0xd3 putchar() 0xd4 putchar() 0xd5 putchar() 0xd6 decrypt: address=0xdb, size=0x2b1 0xdb getc() 0xdc not 0xdd xor 0xee 0xdf getc() 0xe0 not 0xe1 xor 0xdd 0xe3 getc() 0xe4 not 0xe5 xor 0xcc 0xe7 getc() 0xe8 not 0xe9 xor 0xaa 0xeb xchg [top], [top - 0x03] 0xed xchg [top], [top - 0x02] 0xef xchg [top], [top - 0x01] 0xf1 cmp 0x55 0xf3 jne 0x100 0xf5 cmp 0xcc 0xf7 jne 0x101 0xf9 cmp 0xf6 0xfb jne 0x101 0xfd cmp 0x07 0xff je 0x114 0x101 push 0x0a 0x103 push 0x21 0x105 push 0x65 0x107 push 0x70 0x109 push 0x6f 0x10b push 0x4e 0x10d putchar() 0x10e putchar() 0x10f putchar() 0x110 putchar() 0x111 putchar() 0x112 putchar() 0x113 Exit 0x114 push 0x0a 0x116 push 0x21 0x118 push 0x67 0x11a push 0x6e 0x11c push 0x69 0x11e push 0x76 0x120 push 0x6f 0x122 push 0x6d 0x124 push 0x20 0x126 push 0x70 0x128 push 0x65 0x12a push 0x65 0x12c push 0x4b 0x12e push 0x20 0x130 push 0x21 0x132 push 0x65 0x134 push 0x74 0x136 push 0x65 0x138 push 0x6c 0x13a push 0x70 0x13c push 0x6d 0x13e push 0x6f 0x140 push 0x63 0x142 push 0x20 0x144 push 0x32 0x146 push 0x20 0x148 push 0x65 0x14a push 0x67 0x14c push 0x61 0x14e push 0x74 0x150 push 0x53 0x152 putchar() 0x153 putchar() 0x154 putchar() 0x155 putchar() 0x156 putchar() 0x157 putchar() 0x158 putchar() 0x159 putchar() 0x15a putchar() 0x15b putchar() 0x15c putchar() 0x15d putchar() 0x15e putchar() 0x15f putchar() 0x160 putchar() 0x161 putchar() 0x162 putchar() 0x163 putchar() 0x164 putchar() 0x165 putchar() 0x166 putchar() 0x167 putchar() 0x168 putchar() 0x169 putchar() 0x16a putchar() 0x16b putchar() 0x16c putchar() 0x16d putchar() 0x16e putchar() 0x16f putchar() 0x170 putchar() 0x171 decrypt: address=0x176, size=0x211 0x176 getc() 0x177 obfucate 0x178 not 0x179 xor 0xfe 0x17b getc() 0x17c xor 0xe1 0x17e obfucate 0x17f xchg [top], [top - 0x01] 0x181 getc() 0x182 xor 0xde 0x184 obfucate 0x185 getc() 0x186 xor 0xad 0x188 obfucate 0x189 not 0x18a xchg [top], [top - 0x02] 0x18c xchg [top], [top - 0x01] 0x18e obfucate 0x18f xchg [top], [top - 0x02] 0x191 cmp 0x91 0x193 jne 0x1a0 0x195 cmp 0x5d 0x197 jne 0x1a1 0x199 cmp 0x61 0x19b jne 0x1a1 0x19d cmp 0xe6 0x19f je 0x1b4 0x1a1 push 0x0a 0x1a3 push 0x21 0x1a5 push 0x65 0x1a7 push 0x70 0x1a9 push 0x6f 0x1ab push 0x4e 0x1ad putchar() 0x1ae putchar() 0x1af putchar() 0x1b0 putchar() 0x1b1 putchar() 0x1b2 putchar() 0x1b3 Exit 0x1b4 push 0x0a 0x1b6 push 0x21 0x1b8 push 0x65 0x1ba push 0x72 0x1bc push 0x65 0x1be push 0x68 0x1c0 push 0x74 0x1c2 push 0x20 0x1c4 push 0x79 0x1c6 push 0x6c 0x1c8 push 0x72 0x1ca push 0x61 0x1cc push 0x65 0x1ce push 0x6e 0x1d0 push 0x20 0x1d2 push 0x65 0x1d4 push 0x72 0x1d6 push 0x61 0x1d8 push 0x20 0x1da push 0x75 0x1dc push 0x6f 0x1de push 0x59 0x1e0 push 0x20 0x1e2 push 0x21 0x1e4 push 0x65 0x1e6 push 0x74 0x1e8 push 0x65 0x1ea push 0x6c 0x1ec push 0x70 0x1ee push 0x6d 0x1f0 push 0x6f 0x1f2 push 0x63 0x1f4 push 0x20 0x1f6 push 0x33 0x1f8 push 0x20 0x1fa push 0x65 0x1fc push 0x67 0x1fe push 0x61 0x200 push 0x74 0x202 push 0x53 0x204 putchar() 0x205 putchar() 0x206 putchar() 0x207 putchar() 0x208 putchar() 0x209 putchar() 0x20a putchar() 0x20b putchar() 0x20c putchar() 0x20d putchar() 0x20e putchar() 0x20f putchar() 0x210 putchar() 0x211 putchar() 0x212 putchar() 0x213 putchar() 0x214 putchar() 0x215 putchar() 0x216 putchar() 0x217 putchar() 0x218 putchar() 0x219 putchar() 0x21a putchar() 0x21b putchar() 0x21c putchar() 0x21d putchar() 0x21e putchar() 0x21f putchar() 0x220 putchar() 0x221 putchar() 0x222 putchar() 0x223 putchar() 0x224 putchar() 0x225 putchar() 0x226 putchar() 0x227 putchar() 0x228 putchar() 0x229 putchar() 0x22a putchar() 0x22b putchar() 0x22c decrypt: address=0x231, size=0x151 0x231 getc() 0x232 xor 0xde 0x234 xor pow(2, 0x05) 0x236 xor pow(2, 0x03) 0x238 getc() 0x239 xor 0xad 0x23b swap nibbles 0x23c not 0x23d getc() 0x23e obfucate 0x23f xor pow(2, 0x02) 0x241 xor pow(2, 0x01) 0x243 xor 0xbe 0x245 getc() 0x246 swap_nibbles_and_xchg [top], [top-0x02] 0x248 xor 0xef 0x24a not 0x24b xchg [top], [top - 0x03] 0x24d xchg [top], [top - 0x02] 0x24f xchg [top], [top - 0x01] 0x251 cmp 0xb8 0x253 jne 0x260 0x255 cmp 0xbb 0x257 jne 0x261 0x259 cmp 0xc6 0x25b jne 0x261 0x25d cmp 0xf6 0x25f je 0x274 0x261 push 0x0a 0x263 push 0x21 0x265 push 0x65 0x267 push 0x70 0x269 push 0x6f 0x26b push 0x4e 0x26d putchar() 0x26e putchar() 0x26f putchar() 0x270 putchar() 0x271 putchar() 0x272 putchar() 0x273 Exit 0x274 push 0x0a 0x276 push 0x0a 0x278 push 0x2e 0x27a push 0x74 0x27c push 0x69 0x27e push 0x20 0x280 push 0x64 0x282 push 0x65 0x284 push 0x6b 0x286 push 0x69 0x288 push 0x6c 0x28a push 0x20 0x28c push 0x75 0x28e push 0x6f 0x290 push 0x79 0x292 push 0x20 0x294 push 0x65 0x296 push 0x70 0x298 push 0x6f 0x29a push 0x48 0x29c push 0x20 0x29e push 0x21 0x2a0 push 0x65 0x2a2 push 0x74 0x2a4 push 0x65 0x2a6 push 0x6c 0x2a8 push 0x70 0x2aa push 0x6d 0x2ac push 0x6f 0x2ae push 0x63 0x2b0 push 0x20 0x2b2 push 0x34 0x2b4 push 0x20 0x2b6 push 0x65 0x2b8 push 0x67 0x2ba push 0x61 0x2bc push 0x74 0x2be push 0x53 0x2c0 putchar() 0x2c1 putchar() 0x2c2 putchar() 0x2c3 putchar() 0x2c4 putchar() 0x2c5 putchar() 0x2c6 putchar() 0x2c7 putchar() 0x2c8 putchar() 0x2c9 putchar() 0x2ca putchar() 0x2cb putchar() 0x2cc putchar() 0x2cd putchar() 0x2ce putchar() 0x2cf putchar() 0x2d0 putchar() 0x2d1 putchar() 0x2d2 putchar() 0x2d3 putchar() 0x2d4 putchar() 0x2d5 putchar() 0x2d6 putchar() 0x2d7 putchar() 0x2d8 putchar() 0x2d9 putchar() 0x2da putchar() 0x2db putchar() 0x2dc putchar() 0x2dd putchar() 0x2de putchar() 0x2df putchar() 0x2e0 putchar() 0x2e1 putchar() 0x2e2 putchar() 0x2e3 putchar() 0x2e4 putchar() 0x2e5 putchar() 0x2e6 decrypt: address=0x2eb, size=0x91 0x2eb push 0x0a 0x2ed push 0x27 0x2ef push 0x4e 0x2f1 push 0x75 0x2f3 push 0x46 0x2f5 push 0x5f 0x2f7 push 0x73 0x2f9 push 0x49 0x2fb push 0x5f 0x2fd push 0x47 0x2ff push 0x6e 0x301 push 0x49 0x303 push 0x73 0x305 push 0x52 0x307 push 0x65 0x309 push 0x56 0x30b push 0x65 0x30d push 0x52 0x30f push 0x5f 0x311 push 0x6d 0x313 push 0x56 0x315 push 0x27 0x317 push 0x20 0x319 push 0x3a 0x31b push 0x79 0x31d push 0x65 0x31f push 0x6b 0x321 push 0x20 0x323 push 0x7a 0x325 push 0x61 0x327 push 0x68 0x329 push 0x20 0x32b push 0x6e 0x32d push 0x61 0x32f push 0x63 0x331 push 0x20 0x333 push 0x75 0x335 push 0x6f 0x337 push 0x79 0x339 push 0x20 0x33b push 0x77 0x33d push 0x6f 0x33f push 0x4e 0x341 putchar() 0x342 putchar() 0x343 putchar() 0x344 putchar() 0x345 putchar() 0x346 putchar() 0x347 putchar() 0x348 putchar() 0x349 putchar() 0x34a putchar() 0x34b putchar() 0x34c putchar() 0x34d putchar() 0x34e putchar() 0x34f putchar() 0x350 putchar() 0x351 putchar() 0x352 putchar() 0x353 putchar() 0x354 putchar() 0x355 putchar() 0x356 putchar() 0x357 putchar() 0x358 putchar() 0x359 putchar() 0x35a putchar() 0x35b putchar() 0x35c putchar() 0x35d putchar() 0x35e putchar() 0x35f putchar() 0x360 putchar() 0x361 putchar() 0x362 putchar() 0x363 putchar() 0x364 putchar() 0x365 putchar() 0x366 putchar() 0x367 putchar() 0x368 putchar() 0x369 putchar() 0x36a putchar() 0x36b putchar() 0x36c Exit 0x36d Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x36e Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x36f Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x370 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x371 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x372 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x373 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x374 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x375 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x376 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x377 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x378 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x379 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x37a Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x37b Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=3c 0x37c Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=3c 0x37d Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x37e Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x37f Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x380 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x381 reset 0x382 reset 0x383 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x384 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x385 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x386 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=3a 0x387 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=3a 0x388 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x389 Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x38a Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x38b Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=ab 0x38c Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=ab 0x38d Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b 0x38e Oops! Invalid Opcode, value=7b
The program will read license.drm in current directory and check.
It takes me short time to write the disassembler, but I spend much time finding the correct values:
5F 27 8B DC E7 EE 66 52 3A 86 BF DB 30 39 00 EB
root@ubuntu:~/ctf/vm# ./vm-2fbed3f5a894d56be6b2ba328f9e2411 Stage 1 complete! That was easy, wasn't it? Stage 2 complete! Keep moving! Stage 3 complete! You are nearly there! Stage 4 complete! Hope you liked it. Now you can haz key: 'Vm_ReVeRsInG_Is_FuN'